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Welcome to the April edition of the Newton Abbot & Totnes Fencing club newsletter.Wow where has the year gone, its spring already !!. To quote, GB’s first fencing couch, Roger Crosnier:- “Accuracy and confidence will only be obtained through the constant repetition of movements, so that their execution becomes as automatic and natural as the...
Welcome to the May edition of the Newton Abbot & Totnes Fencing club newsletter. In the next couple of months there are quite a few fencing competitions coming up, e.g. “The Bristol Open-Saturday June 1st” & “The Wellington Open-Saturday & Sunday 18th & 19th May” & “The RAF Open-July 29th & 30th June” to name...
Welcome to the June edition of the Newton Abbot & Totnes Fencing club newsletter. Just for you informations, I teach emergency First Aid at Work (eFAW) courses (6 & ½ hrs in duration) through (please visit the website) & charge £55 per student for these courses. I will deliver these courses to members of...